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Five Thoughts About Sacrifice
"Sacrifice zone is defined as a geographic area that has been permanently impaired by environmental damage, often through locally unwanted land use. Take, for example, the boreal forest surrounding Fort McMurray near the Athabasca River in Alberta, once an expanse of wetlands, bogs, and trembling-aspen and white-spruce forest hunting grounds for First Nations people and habitat to caribou, bears,... posted on Jan 08 2023, 1,677 reads


The Systems View of Life
"This essay is excerpted from The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision, by Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi (2014, Cambridge University Press). The book integrates the ideas, models, and theories underlying the systems view of life into a single coherent framework, exploring its implications for a broad range of endeavors, from economics and politics to medicine, psychology, and law."... posted on Jan 07 2023, 1,773 reads


Letter to Tomorrow
An egg; a perfect package of hope. Sit down and allow your heart to open; allow your mind to quiet. Then connect with this beautiful poem by Jackie Morris and ponder how to hold your own hope.... posted on Jan 06 2023, 3,245 reads


Otto Scharmer on The Four Levels of Listening
"In my years of working with groups and organizations, I have identified four basic types of listening. Ya, I know that already. The first type of listening is downloading: listening by reconfirming habitual judgments. When you are in a situation where everything that happens confirms what you already know, then you are listening by downloading." In this excerpt from his book, "Theory U: Learning ... posted on Jan 05 2023, 2,863 reads


The Most Beautiful Science of the Year
"When we look back at the stories we've told this year, we're thrilled at the range of their insights. The stories venture from the bottom of the sea to as far as a telescope can see, shifting perspectives on the mundane and magnificent. Below is the Nautilus journey of 2022, told through some of our favorite passages." Travel the byways of scientific stories through this exciting compilation of l... posted on Jan 04 2023, 2,079 reads


The Best Greater Good Articles of 2022
Here is a fascinating round-up of the most-read Greater Good articles from the past year-- along with favorites picked by their editors. Ranging from ways to stop procrastinating, and how to stay open in difficult conversations, to how to learn from your failures and how to know if you are actually humble-- there is something to intrigue, inspire and illuminate each of us.... posted on Jan 03 2023, 2,867 reads


Doorways to Our Childhood Selves
"At the beginning of each new year, I consider my favorite poets, writers, poems, and stories. They provide ways to claim a voice yet to be discovered. I write about this in an essay, 'Doorways to Our Childhood Selves.' After we published this essay last year, I was deeply touched to hear from many of you who had written to me to share your own relationship to stories and how they continue to impa... posted on Jan 02 2023, 2,519 reads


New Year Transformation: Resources for the Journey
"The New year often brings with it a welcome sense of possibility as we bid farewell to the old and embrace the potential of what's to come. Even as global challenges continue to contribute to a sense of heightened uncertainty, opportunity awaits when we situate ourselves in gratefulness. May this collection of resources help to support you in welcoming the new year with wholehearted curiosity, hu... posted on Jan 01 2023, 2,513 reads


Finding Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger than You
"Tami Simon speaks with author and activist Lynne Twist about her new book, Living a Committed Life, and discovering the role we each must play to usher in a new era for humanity. Tune in for an inspiring discussion of strengthening your possibility muscle; the power of disruption; the breakthroughs hidden in the breakdowns; choosing to tell a new story; the relationship between pain and joy; the ... posted on Dec 31 2022, 4,000 reads


The Fearless Organization
A completely fearless organization is an aspiration that will always remain slightly out of reach. It will never be the case that every single person shows up at work with a fearless stance that looks outward and forward, and that everyone is more interested in contributing to shared goals than in staying personally safe. Having said that, a 'mostly fearless' organization is one in which people fe... posted on Dec 30 2022, 1,179 reads


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Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.
John Lennon

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